Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Answer to My Credit Problem

The Fed has inspired me for an answer to my credit problems. I just have to think outside the box. So I called up my past due credit cards and told them I had a plan. I am going to buy all of my debt at 10 cents on the dollar. Now this seemed like a good idea to them since they were thinking they weren't getting anything! But then I told them that I need them to give me another credit card at a much lower interest rate to buy the old debt with. And then in six months or so I was going to need another one to buy that one with. Well, after much explaining how it would work I still didn't have them convinced. Their books would look better and so would my credit report. It's a win win situation, I said! In the long run everybody would be happy! They agreed that it might look better but they didn't have the authority or something like that. Maybe I'm just not talking to the right person.....

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